Q&A // Blogmas Day 16

By Unknown - 09:00:00

When it comes to people doing Q&A's I always send in a question in the hopes of being answered. Very quickly becoming one of my favourite things to watch/read. As part of Blogmas and to help you guys get to know me a little bit better I decided to do a little Q&A. I like answering questions because I find it fun so I'm excited for you to read this. My lovely friends gave me some very funny and wonderful questions to answer-some of which have stayed in. Enjoy!

Q: What's your hair colour?
A: Ginger and proud.
Q: How many fruit shoots can you drink at once?
A: Never done in it that way but I'm betting on 2.
Q: Do you prefer to drink ketchup or HP sauce?
A: I hate HP sauce with a passion so defiantly ketchup if I ever had to.
Q: Memory foam or goose feather pillows?
A: Memory foam.
Q: What's your favourite type of cake?
A: Chocolate
Q: If you could be any type of animal what would it be?
A: A panther or a sloth.
Q: Favourite series on Netflix?
A: At the moment it's Scorpion. It's amazing and deffo worth the watch.
Q: If you could spend the rest of your life with one celebrity who would you choose?
A: Tom Felton, a.k.a Draco Malfoy.
Q: How hard were GCSE's? Were they harder than you thought?
A: At first they were hard because I wasn't used to them but after mocks I was a lot more confident when it came to sitting the exam and I did a lot better then I thought I would. I would defiantly recommend making all of your revision materials this side of Christmas and along the way as you go until you finish the course to save you a lot of time when it comes to revision. Practice, practice, practice until you're sick of it and then do some more after that. I wish you the best of luck for the summer babe!
Q: What do you wanna do after sixth form?
A: At the moment I'm looking at film school's over university courses because I feel like it would be a better fit for me and what I want to do in terms of media.
Q: Favourite person in the world?
A: Can't choose between my mum and my nan.
Q: Favourite season?
A: Winter and summer.
Q: Halloween or Christmas?
A: EASY. Christmas.
Q; If you could have any animal as a pet what would you have?
A: A dog.
Q: Why did you chose to start a blog?
A: I've always enjoyed reading them and it's my little space on the internet to share my thoughts on things I enjoy. I also love writing and blogging in general.

Q: Would you ever consider making a YouTube channel?
A: I would if people wanted me too.
Q: Favourite emoji?
A: the little celebration one and the laughing face.

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