I'm really trying to avoid starting my blog posts going: 'When I was younger...' but its getting harder. I know, I know I did it a lot when I was younger but this time round I have no other way of saying it so i decided to put this little sentence or two at the beginning instead. SO, 'when i was younger' I...
10 things you probably didn't know about me
By Unknown - 11:01:00
1. I used to be able to whistle but now I can't. The funniest thing about is that once I learned to click my fingers I couldn't whistle anymore whereas before I could click my fingers I was able to whistle. I ended up replacing one skill with one another. 2. I hate the word 'moist'. Why on earth was that word created?...
I don't know about you but when I was younger I couldn't wait to be 16. I used to think it was the perfect age to be- you leave school (formal education at least), nearly able to drive and you're also that one step closer to being able to move out and go explore the world. Oh how times have changed. Once you...
When I was younger I used to read books everyday, some over and over again because I loved them so much. However. as I got older this habit disappeared and got to the point where I would only read books if I had to for school. I wanted to change this massively after I realised how much I used to love it (and...
First off, how on earth is it 2017 already? Last year went in the blink of an eye I swear. Second of all-HELLO! How are you? How was your Christmas and New Year? Mine was full of a lot of naps after eating a bit too much, friends and family and a lot of good TV. In-between the awkward little stage between Christmas...